Join Our 8-Week Guided Coaching Program for Mothers


Ready to rediscover yourself?


In the whirlwind of motherhood, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves. We often find that our identities become entwined with our roles as mothers, leaving little room for self-discovery and growth.

Motherhood: Reconstructed is here to guide you back to the core of who you are, empower you with valuable tools, and ignite a lasting transformation.

Join the waitlist now!

Why Join?


  • Rediscover yourself: Uncover the you beyond motherhood
  • Alignment: Align your life with your core values and beliefs
  • Self-care: Refocus on caring for YOU
  • Boundaries: Maintain fulfilling relationships with those around you
  • Self-compassion: Cultivate a deep sense of self-love and kindness

What's Included:

  • Weekly Inspirational Content: 8-weeks of guided transformation to redefine your mindset and rediscover your identity.
  • Expert Guidance: Yours truly as your mentor who will lead you through proven strategies for personal and professional growth and exploration. 
  • Exclusive Resources: Access to some of my favourite resources, tools, and exercises that will provide lasting results when it comes to understanding what you truly value and what really matters. 

Don't let another day pass you by! 


This is your chance to take control of your life and thrive like never before.

The journey to a more vibrant, fulfilling, and abundant life starts now.

Frequently Asked Questions:  

Join us for 8 weeks and unlock the extraordinary life you've always envisioned.

Reserve your spot now!

**Disclaimer: Results may vary. This program is designed to provide guidance & inspiration, but individual outcomes depend on personal effort & commitment.